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Bharat, after all means reveling in Light

Performance at any level, whether a small business or a large country is dependent on the Leadership. There is no bigger testament to this than the immaculate planning and hosting of G-20. The most important people of the world gathered together in Delhi and accepted The Delhi Declaration. It was a show of solidarity and inclusivity all done with panache and yet being anchored. Not only that, but the world leaders are also all praise for Bharat’s position in the world today.

And this position has been earned by Bharat’s untiring work almost on all fronts in the last 10 years. To earn trust, one needs to be trustworthy and to create such holistic trustworthiness, one has to attack on all the neglected fronts simultaneously – corruption, infrastructure, taxation, digitalization, modernisation of armed forces, privatization, industry, removal of archaic laws…

Bhagwad Gita expounds on Karma or Action. It says that it is not the action which matters, it is the attitude behind the action. If the Leader’s attitude is an attitude which stems from selflessness, spontaneity and untiring efforts yet being equanimous, blossoming of results is a given.

This very attitude is the intangible component of the Leader, this intangible component is the most important factor for the tangible outcome. It is this alchemy which makes the action conscious, deliberate, creative and spontaneous. A leader with a sattvik vision (attitude) and intellect, will be able to face all adversities, overcome unsurmountable difficulties and yet revel in light. Bharat, after all means, reveling in light.

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