When I first came to the NSBT campus, what struck me most was its philosophy, "न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते ।"
The shlok comes from Verse 38, Chapter 4, of the Bhagwad Gita, popularly known as the Song of God. In its true spirited meaning, it conveys that there is nothing purer than knowledge of the Self.
Knowledge of the Self is the acme of human existence. Everything we do is for the Self & therefore having knowledge and realisation of the Self is the ultimate pinnacle of life.
Self knowledge is the only Knowledge which is Direct Knowledge. All other Knowledge gained in life is indirect as it is the result of some other irreverence or conclusion or information. Our greatest Acharyas, Sages, Rishis, have said that human life should be used for its ultimate purpose but the process of getting to that ultimate purpose should be a life full of Action. And there are commentries on what is Action, the difference between a pure and impure action, the Sattvik, Rajsik and Tamsik actions.
It is the Sattvik Action which helps prepare the mind for a life free of anxiety and a life full of action. And it is this preparation of mind for Sattvik Action, what we as a institute, want to inculcate in the very fabric of what we do for our students and what our students become.
The great professor Clay Christenson said, “Management is a Noble Profession,” I’m sure someone somewhere would have also said, “Character is a Noble Possession.”
Summing up, I would say if you don’t possess it, you cannot profess it.