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A Thought for Food Visit

Neepa Mehta

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

NSBT Be The Change

It was a "sudden recall" thought of Harsh which ended up in meeting him, in his newest role as Director of NSBT on 21/10/2023. While MGM is a university of long standing, entering same has always brought a sense of grandeur. And NSBT in the university defined the purpose of the institution from the time I stepped inside.

Dynamism, meaningfulness, drive and positivity resound from the walls and the names of the classrooms to the focus on purpose-driven course content. How can the creators of same not reflect these ? And beyond, industry focused, experience driven, system orientation, innovation in thinking shown through my entire time spent at the institute.

Thank you Samvedi for showing me around the institute with focus on the ideologies and aspirations. And Harsh for the opportunity to talk and discuss about futuristic growth plans.

Once a teacher, always will remain one!!! And so, I felt invested in loads of thoughts for food!!!

The interaction will be a pleasure to be continued in future also.

Best wishes

Neepa Mehta


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