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RNT, a man who showed us that individual and institutional values are intertwined and not isolated.


Operating Ethics is a term I read in an excerpt from RNT’s interview. Operating profits and Operating losses, I have grown up with but the word Operating Ethics bolted me. Starting to think about this, it means operating from anchored values, operating from the paradigm of “what is right” and not “what I like”. Operating on the श्रेय पथ and not the प्रेय पथ


He said:



I think I would like to leave behind a group that has been transformed from a patriarchal kind of a structure to an institutionalised structure, less susceptible to personalities. A group that places greater demands on performance than it has done before. But a group that hasn’t changed in terms of its value system or its operating ethics. I would like to leave behind a group that is full of younger people, much more nimble than it has been, reacting faster and being proactive.



As I interpret it, it means: “Look here, the Group going to drive performance and operating efficiencies but not at the cost of its values and operating ethics”. 


I think Ethics when lived moment to moment, they are called operating ethics.  Taking decisions with operating ethics in mind are mostly long term decisions which must avoid the temptations of easy gratification. They are not decisions which are just taken for compliance, they are decisions which have a larger purpose of goodness. Operating Ethics force you to do a reality check every time and be in the present. They focus on the means, the journey. 


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